Covid-19 Protocols:
- Drop-off/Pick-up at Entrance: We limit the direct contact with parents. (Consider having children dropped off outside or at the door rather than having parents or guardians enter the home.)
- Screen/Check Daily for Illness: Conduct daily health screenings or anyone entering the home. ( health questions upon arrival, and daily temperature checks.)
- Hand Hygiene: We regularly wash our/kids hands using soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Nap Time: At nap time, we ensure that mats or cribs are spaced out as much as possible.
- Vaccination: We are fully vaccinated to stay safe and reduce the risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19.
- Masks: Everyone 2 and older should wear a well-fitting mask over their mouth and nose, except when eating or sleeping.
- Cleaning and Disinfecting: We regularly are cleaning touched objects and surfaces such as toys, door handles, tables, and faucets. Disinfecting is only necessary when someone gets sick/tests positive for COVID-19.
- Educate Families: We try to educate our families about keeping their child home when they are sick, had close contact to a person with COVID-19, awaiting results or tested positive for COVID-19. We need their utmost cooperation.